

  • My First Blog Post

    August 19, 2019 by

    Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

  • Potato salad

    August 19, 2019 by

    Originally posted on My Food Blog!:
    You better like Potato Salad, if you don’t like Potato Salad I will show you the wrath that Potato salad will unleash upon your mortal coil, I will decimate you with the power of potato salad. You Puny Mortal

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This is a spider I recently saw. I was at my friends house when this beauty crawled out of the wall. It is a magmious hayChillious. It is a very poisonous spider as if it crawls onto you, it can poison you as it has poisonous hair. There is no antidote ofr this poison

The magmious hayChillious spider

Another spider I recently saw was this spider. It is called a Vondeeths Spider. Despite the name, it is a very harmless spider. I saw this spider on my window at 1am and was extremely scared until I realised it was a pointless, harmless spider. Though these spiders are endangered as they are hunted for there colour and made into blue dye.

The Vondeeths Spider

This is the Pinkilious spider. It is a spider that competes in races as it is the second fastest spider in the world. With its basket and mermaid, it will speed past you at top speeds leaving you in the dust.

The Pinkilious Spider

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